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Ap Stats Modeling the World Unit 6 Review Answers

Answers and Review for Multiple Choice Practice on Revolutions

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Facts about the test: The AP World History test has 55 multiple choice questions and you volition be given 55 minutes to complete the section. That means it should take you effectually xv minutes to complete 15 questions.


*The following questions were not written by CollegeBoard and although they comprehend information outlined in the AP World History Class and Examination Description the formatting on the exam may be unlike.

i. The writings of the 18th –century French philosophers Rousseau, Voltaire, and Diderot influenced the

A. failure of the German unification movement

B. spread of imperialism to Africa and Asia

C. revolutionary movements in Europe and the Americas.

D. start of the Neolithic Revolution

Reply: As John Locke and Rousseau spread their beliefs on the purpose of government, the social contract, and natural rights, many citizens in nations such every bit France, realized their regime was hindering, not protecting their natural rights, and so they chose to rebel

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2. Before the French Revolution, the people of French republic were divided into three estates based mainly on their

A. geographic region

B. religious behavior

C. career field

D. wealth

Respond: The #-Estates system in France categorized people into dissimilar social classes based on their wealth. The clergy were at the top, followed by the nobility, and at the bottom was everyone else in society.

📄Study AP World, Unit v.2: Revolutions from 1750-1900


3. In the menstruation from 1750 to 1850, which of the following political ideologies was gaining increasing influence in western Europe and parts of the Atlantic world?

A. Absolutism

B. Liberalism

C. Fascism

D. Totalitarianism

Answer: Liberalism became the focus of many people during this time catamenia. Liberalism is a political philosophy that promotes individual rights and democracy.

📄Study AP Globe, Unit 5.1: The Enlightenment


4. The United States Bill of Rights and the French Declaration of the Rights of Human and Citizen reflect a shared business organisation for

A. protection of personal freedom

B. establishment of a parliamentary system

C. preservation of the monarchy

D. keeping monarchical power stiff, but express

Answer: Both the Beak of Rights and Declaration of the Rights of Man and Denizen emphasized the importance of natural rights and the part the government played in protecting those rights.

📄Study AP World, Unit 5.2: Revolutions from 1750-1900


5. The MOST important ECONOMIC privilege enjoyed by the clergy and dignity BEFORE the French Revolution was

A. exemption from taxes to the land

B. ownership of land

C. the correct to collect dues

D. the correct to finance wars

Answer: The biggest economic privilege that the top two estates enjoyed in France was the exemption from taxes. Such exemption infuriated the 3rd Estate, who were left to fund the excess spending committed by the male monarch and the nobility

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vi. Latin American Revolutions were MOSTLY initiated past the

A. Mestizos

B. Creoles

C. Mulattoes

D. the Peninsulares

Answer: The Creoles, the middle class of the Spanish hierarchies, were the ones who were denied political privileges and, who had read the works of Locke, Rousseau, and Paine. Their understanding of how Kingdom of spain was violating their natural rights was the goad to most Latin American Revolutions.

📄Study AP World, Unit 5.two: Revolutions from 1750-1900


7. The only successful slave-led political revolution took place in

A. Venezuela

B. Mexico

C. Haiti

D. Brazil

Answer: The bulldoze for independence in Haiti was conducted by slaves within that nation. Though their leader, Toussaint L'Ouverture was a Creole, it was the slaves who were responsible for freeing the nation of colonial rule.

📄Study AP Globe, Unit 5.ii: Revolutions from 1750-1900


8. Ane similarity that existed before AND subsequently Latin American revolutions was

A. Creoles continued to feel their natural rights weren't being protected

B. voting rights continued to only exist offered to Peninsulares

C. European rulers were notwithstanding able to exert meaning influence in Latin America

D. conditions for the lower classes continued to be poor

Respond: One time most Latin American nations gained their independence, Creoles sat at the top of the social hierarchy and enjoying more rights. For those at the lower end of the social hierarchy, though constitutions promised more rights, their lives continued to exist poor in terms of wages, living weather, and political rights.

📄Report AP World, Unit 5.2: Revolutions from 1750-1900


9. The Industrial Revolution marked a dramatic alter in

A. how merchandise was conducted

B. the fashion products were made

C. the use of currency equally a grade of payment

D. the economic rights of citizens

Answer: One of the biggest changes brought on past the Industrial Revolution was the method in which appurtenances were produced. For centuries, products were hand-made in cottage industries, but later 1750, goods will be mass-produced in factories.

📄Written report AP World, Unit of measurement five.3: Industrialization Begins


ten. All of the following were reasons that the Industrial Revolution began in Britain EXCEPT

A. Uk's transportation infrastructure was capable of moving goods

B. British citizens had excess capital to invest in industrial development

C. Britain was rich in raw materials such every bit coal and fe

D. The British regime funded industrial evolution

Answer: The British government was actually minimally involved in industrial development; most of the evolution was funded by private companies and individuals who were seeking new ways to brand a profit.

📄Study AP Globe, Unit five.6: State-Led Industrialization


xi. Which of the following technologies was MOST responsible for spurring industrial product in England?

A. Steam Engine

B. Ability Loom

C. Spinning Jenny

D. Cotton Gin

Reply: While the Power Loom and Spinning Jenny were used during the IR, it would be the steam engine that facilitated machine production, and also helped fuel the rail system that volition go instrumental in the success of mass product and consumption.


12. All of the following were changes caused by the Industrial Revolution EXCEPT:

A. Creation of a new middle form

B. Environmental degradation

C. More economic equality betwixt all social classes

D. Evolution of new economic systems

Answer: While the stand up of living did increase for most people during the Industrial Era, the wage gap increased. Factory owners and investors made a tremendous profit of mass product, only wages for workers remained low - mostly every bit a result of the supply and demand of labor, and the lack of government intervention.


xiii. Which of the following groups saw an increment in some forms of independence, every bit a result of the Industrial Revolution?

A. Women

B. Men

C. Children

D. Elderly

Answer: While working conditions for women were terrible during the Industrial Revolution, beingness able to work outside of the home and making their own wages did increase independence, particularly for women who were not all the same married. This independence will foster calls for more rights for women.


xiv. The Industrial Revolution's success in Britain led to the revolution being spread to which following pair of nations?

A. Nigeria and China

B. Japan and Russia

C. Venezuela and Korea

D. Mongolia and Commonwealth of australia

Answer: Both Nippon and Russian federation begin the industrial process as a result of the success of the IR in Britain, and to some extent, the United States. The principal goal of industrialization for both nations was to be able to complete with the western powers, on the global stage.

📄Study AP Globe, Unit 5.4: Spread of Industrialization


15. A primal difference between British and Japanese industrialization was

A. Industrial product focused on textiles in Britain while it focused on automobile parts in Japan

B. Factory workers in Britain were both male person and female person, while workers in Nippon were solely men

C. Industrialization was funded by individuals in Uk, while it was funded past the government in Japan

D. Industrialization was successful in Britain, but was not successful in Japan

Respond: Japan did not take a middle class to assist fund the industrialization of the nation, and then the government had to fund the industrial procedure, while information technology was again, individuals of the centre and upper classes who volition fund industrialization in United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland.

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