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Jignasha Hi Zaiba,

It is essentially a light read, about Twinkle's life as an entrepreneur, wife of a superstar, daughter of a superstar, and a mother to her tw…more

Hi Zaiba,

It is essentially a light read, about Twinkle's life as an entrepreneur, wife of a superstar, daughter of a superstar, and a mother to her two kids. There are funny chapters on how she handles being all of these, with some heartwarming moments strewn occasionally. If you are familiar with her as a celebrity, you might like this book.(less)

Community Reviews

 · 16,914 ratings  · 1,634 reviews
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Very meh. The writing style suits a blog, not a book. The humor seems forced and the stereotypes and clichés put me off.
Sep 10, 2015 rated it liked it
March 18, 2019: retrospectively reducing the stars from 5 to 3 as now I feel it was just fluff, and nothing remains from 3 years ago.

Read it at a sitting - a feat I haven't performed in the past few years. 5 stars, not because a flawless literary gem, but only for reaching out to me at the perfect moment, when I was craving for a humorous, empathetic voice with which I could identify with. (to some extent).
Am not a movie buff, but I do know about Twinkle Khanna as an actor, and was quite pleasan

March 18, 2019: retrospectively reducing the stars from 5 to 3 as now I feel it was just fluff, and nothing remains from 3 years ago.

Read it at a sitting - a feat I haven't performed in the past few years. 5 stars, not because a flawless literary gem, but only for reaching out to me at the perfect moment, when I was craving for a humorous, empathetic voice with which I could identify with. (to some extent).
Am not a movie buff, but I do know about Twinkle Khanna as an actor, and was quite pleasantly surprised to see her in the avatar of an ordinary, astute working mother of two, who has a flair for milking out humor from the day to day situations, many of these unique to Indians.
Would love to read more about Mrs. Funnybones, man of the house, the prodigal son and the baby.

Vishnu Chevli
I have read this book in one sitting and let me just tell you that I loved it beyond apprehension.

Once, I randomly saw an episode of "A Coffee with Karan" where Akshay Kumar and the author of this book Twinkle Khanna were invited as guests. I am not a Bollywood person so I didn't know her at that time. But I loved her fierce and nonchalant humor. At the end of that episode, she mentioned Mrs. Funnybones and I wanted to read this book since then. I have read this book finally and it has not disap

I have read this book in one sitting and let me just tell you that I loved it beyond apprehension.

Once, I randomly saw an episode of "A Coffee with Karan" where Akshay Kumar and the author of this book Twinkle Khanna were invited as guests. I am not a Bollywood person so I didn't know her at that time. But I loved her fierce and nonchalant humor. At the end of that episode, she mentioned Mrs. Funnybones and I wanted to read this book since then. I have read this book finally and it has not disappointed me.

When I was purchasing the book I read the tagline on it "She's just like you and a lot like me" and my thoughts were how can she be a lot like me? she is middle-aged, celebrity, married and mother of two, but after reading this book I really can relate to her.

This book is about her really clever and peculiar view of life. In this book, her husband is referred as the man of the house, her son as the prodigal son, her little daughter as the baby, which I find amusing and different. This book also has her opinion about feminism, patriarchy, our culture and many other things with a great humor. Her opinions about this things are really similar to mine so I can relate to this book.

All and all if you're looking for a book with good humor and can make you laugh till you cry then I recommend Mrs. Funnybones.

Detailed Review link -

Oct 22, 2018 rated it really liked it
Read the full review here - Blog
Actual Rating - 4.5 stars
From the book - "Why do women have longer lifespans?
Is it because we express ourselves all the time, thus reducing stress?
Or are the men just trying to die earlier to escape the incessant chatter?"

"Mom says she hates festivals, wants to drink beer, ride her yellow scooter, and run over random people who burst crackers."

Read the full review here - Blog
Actual Rating - 4.5 stars
From the book - "Why do women have longer lifespans?
Is it because we express ourselves all the time, thus reducing stress?
Or are the men just trying to die earlier to escape the incessant chatter?"

"Mom says she hates festivals, wants to drink beer, ride her yellow scooter, and run over random people who burst crackers."

Vani Kaushal
Mar 21, 2016 rated it really liked it
'She's just like you and a lot like me,' says the tag line on the book cover of Mrs Funnybones. There was no way for me to relate to the middle aged, mother of 2 kids with a celebrity husband protagonist of this book, but for Twinkle Khanna's crackling narration. The book is full of interesting anecdotes and speckled with self-deprecating humour and witty innuendos. The weight jibes, confrontations with 'desi Jeeves', friends and their mothers-in-law and her reference to her husband as 'man of t 'She's just like you and a lot like me,' says the tag line on the book cover of Mrs Funnybones. There was no way for me to relate to the middle aged, mother of 2 kids with a celebrity husband protagonist of this book, but for Twinkle Khanna's crackling narration. The book is full of interesting anecdotes and speckled with self-deprecating humour and witty innuendos. The weight jibes, confrontations with 'desi Jeeves', friends and their mothers-in-law and her reference to her husband as 'man of the house' and her son as 'the prodigal son' make this story so close to real life. There are no dull moments in this book and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. A few phrases that I really liked:

*For anyone who has ever thought that these encounters with the paparazzi are pre-planned, kindly use some common sense. We have some sort of vanity as well and allowing yourself to be photographed in a state that you would not want to put up on FB, let alone be published in national newspapers, would be rather demented.

*Doctors are shorter in real life. When you meet your gynaecologist at a party, he will always look shorter, till you realise that you normally see him when you are flat on your back and he is looming over between your legs.

*People I want to box on the head: people who post minute-by-minute updates on FB depicting every detail of their December getaway. There are only so many 'Gee my life is wonderful' statuses that other people can bear.

*How do you get back into your jeans post the baby? Diligently try them on every month. At first, they will go just up your knee; then a month later, a bit higher and with each month that passes, they will go higher and higher, till they reach the ideal fit, whereby you lie down on your bed and pull the zip up.

*Don't look down on people because they can see the crap stuck up your nostril.

Asra Ghouse
This review was first published in The Hans India.

Had this book been written by a person not so famous it wouldn't have been well received. It is also this very reason that the book garners interest. Twinkle Khanna, former actress born into a superstar family and married to a superstar husband; Indians love to peek inside celebrity lives. It is also why most reviews come for Twinkle and not the book per se. But, let's try to keep it to the book.

There can be no doubt from "Mrs Funnybones: She's J

This review was first published in The Hans India.

Had this book been written by a person not so famous it wouldn't have been well received. It is also this very reason that the book garners interest. Twinkle Khanna, former actress born into a superstar family and married to a superstar husband; Indians love to peek inside celebrity lives. It is also why most reviews come for Twinkle and not the book per se. But, let's try to keep it to the book.

There can be no doubt from "Mrs Funnybones: She's Just Like You and A Lot Like Me" that Twinkle Khanna is intelligent and witty. Establishing early on that she's done with her acting life that comes from her husband, the superstar, Akhsay Kumar saying, "You can't act" and her agreeing to it, Twinkle has donned the role of a modern wife, who works in her swanky office, takes care of her kids (one of whom is still in diapers) and vacations abroad every June. But, she is far from being "just like us". She belongs to the elitist group and it isn't easy for the average "modern Indian woman" to relate to her experiences. However, the book is mostly about being a mother. And, that is where most women can probably relate to her words.

There isn't anything striking that stays with the reader throughout, except perhaps her witty advice when it comes to marriage and in-laws. Things like, "After fourteen years of matrimony, I have discovered that hoping your other half telepathically reads your mind only leads to someone wanting to punch the other in the face", "If you know how to cook, it is rather useful to pretend otherwise, unless you want to be periodically nagged by snotty children to make their messy and time-consuming favourite dishes right up to the day you get Alzheimer's and luckily forget the recipe along with your name" and finally the best of all, "All you mummyjis (that is mothers-in-law) beware! If your daughter-in-law claims that she loves you like her own mother, then daal mein kuch kaala hai and that little black spot could very well be rat poison" are words to live by.

There can be no doubt that Twinkle is smart. She very casually mentions her IQ being 145, reads sci-fi, mostly Asimov, and references Nolan's Interstellar when talking about her time "wasted" on Twitter. And of course, the notorious "denim jeans button-opening incident" is mentioned as a matter-of-fact when a case was filed against her for indecency. Her cleverness shines here as she mentions her side of the story and actually gets the reader to empathise with her. Well played, Twinkle!

Presentation wins
More than the writing, it is the presentation of the book that wins. There is no sequence to any chapters. It is a witty banter bound with the English alphabet, so we have 26 chapters, each with one letter of the alphabet starting the title. The subtext is feminism and it is very cleverly represented through the artwork at the beginning of each chapter. The ladies are curvy, sometimes fat and not perfect, once again trying to win the readers through connection.

However, there is such a thing as too much self-degrading humour and after a point the words become repetitive and predictive. The repeated use of "blimey" and "point to be taken milord" doesn't lend to the funniness either.

The book has been released under the humour genre. And, Twinkle manages to get a couple of chuckles here and there and a soft smile at the end but, at its core it is about being a mother and what stays with the readers is the incident when her son has high fever late in the night; the man of the house is giving him cold sponges in spite of having to be at a shoot early in the morning, yet asking her to sleep and she writes, "As my eyes are shutting, I think about the word 'love'. It is not your heart beating fast when you look at him or constantly wanting to be with the other person. Love in any relationship, family or an intimate friendship, is only about putting the other person's needs ahead of your own, and that, my friend, is just as simple and as complex as you make it".

Simple, yet profound.

Sure, the book is clichéd and filled with self-deprecating humour (a little too much of it). The reader is left with a picture of a privileged life, bustling with activity and the perks of being a star wife who travels a lot and has the "normal" responsibilities of raising children amidst paparazzi, diapers and a mummy ji who calls herself the tigress of the house.

But, the book proves to be a light-hearted much-needed break for readers whose life is filled with heavy routine, nagging relatives, demanding jobs or marriage to laugh at nonsensical random stuff. It isn't really a "book" book. However, this could be the beginning of seeing India's likes to towards popular feminist humour books much to the likes of Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and Mindy Kaling. It's a quick read and at the end, it's all about having some fun.

Aishwarya Saxena
Twinkle Khanna, a former actress turned interior decorator turned writer, lets you know early on in her book that she is done with showbiz, decisively so. It doesn't creep into her reminiscences, it doesn't colour her present and it only ever sneaks into her future when she makes a wry assumption about "the prodigal son"–in case he ever wants to join the family business. This is a woman who has moved on, as much as she can being married to who she is. And here's the other thing, she's just too m Twinkle Khanna, a former actress turned interior decorator turned writer, lets you know early on in her book that she is done with showbiz, decisively so. It doesn't creep into her reminiscences, it doesn't colour her present and it only ever sneaks into her future when she makes a wry assumption about "the prodigal son"–in case he ever wants to join the family business. This is a woman who has moved on, as much as she can being married to who she is. And here's the other thing, she's just too much fun, in a self-deprecating, off-the-cuff way, that makes you feel like you've known her for years, and not in the "I've seen all your (very bad) movies" way.

While she hasn't become a typical Bollywood homemaker, she isn't strutting around all over Page 3 in her Manolos either. So how does the former "fat girl" that she admits still lives in her head, get so comfortable in her skin, especially in our self-conscious and judgmental Bollywood?

I think one safe assumption would be that she was born into it. The book dedicated to her father, recalls an instance where an all-knowing auto driver relates an alleged family feud back to her about her own family and their sea-facing property, drawing Mrs Funnybones into an existential third-person angst that "the man of the house" shoots down with what the readers will come to recognise as a deadpan, deliciously tactless and practical Delhi style. It is a telling incident in the book, reflecting the "otherness" the young girl anointed with the comical name and born to famous parents must have felt and still does. And in many ways this book is really about finally being herself; that is where the subtext gets you, with its honesty and uncharacteristically good-natured take on life.

Twinkle Khanna, born to famous film stars and married to one, is not someone you would empathise or identify with and yet her skill in her narrative lies in the fact that when you turn to the last page, that is exactly how you feel. How does she pull it off? Early on, in filmy fashion, she distances herself from the "autobiographical" nature of the book, its embellishments, she warns people, real and somewhat imagined, are not entirely true to her life. But she is only being thoughtful, and to be fair to her, the most brutal honesty comes when she writes about herself or her alter ego, Mrs Funnybones. She dips in and out of intimacy with effortless ease, telling you as much as she wants to and sometimes telling you too much. But that is what makes this book a conversation and not yet another insider account of a glamorous life, a tell-all about how showbiz people are the worst, or, worst of all, a sanctimonious "how-to-have-it-all" guide.

I enjoyed this book for many reasons, it is endearing, funny and well-written. But what makes it special is the casual way in which it addresses the human preoccupation with belonging–one that we all experience–be it to our parents, our careers, our bodies, our partners or their families. It is this eternal quest to belong and yet "un-belong" in order to preserve who we truly are, that is the seed of this book. A seed firmly planted in the mind of a young girl who grew up in the world of mirages and finally found her nook in a sea-face apartment with a droll husband, haphazard household help, cantankerous neighbours, controlling yet scatty parents, demanding business associates and generic urban anxiety, induced and self-created–basically all the stuff that makes up all our lives and, surprisingly, Mrs Funnybones'.

Shoa Khan
My rating - (2/5)
1. Its not a book, its a series of monotonous blogs pasted together.
2. Its not that funny, although it 'tries' very hard to appear funny.
One extra star for appreciating this as her debut novel, which is much better than her films/acting.
(You'll understand the last line only if you've seen any of her films. If not, go watch Mela and then you'll know!)
My rating - (2/5)
1. Its not a book, its a series of monotonous blogs pasted together.
2. Its not that funny, although it 'tries' very hard to appear funny.
One extra star for appreciating this as her debut novel, which is much better than her films/acting.
(You'll understand the last line only if you've seen any of her films. If not, go watch Mela and then you'll know!)
Sep 07, 2015 rated it liked it
So I just finished Mrs Funnybones today. Infact, I started it this morning and proudly share that I finished it in less than 24 hours too. Which isn't as great as it may sound, even though I had a full n busy day at work and only allowed myself to read in the metro to work, at lunch, in the metro home and after a much despised 30 minutes of exercise.

That is because at 235 pages, size 12 font, 1.5 line spacing and very broad margins, it really wasn't something even the slowest reader would have

So I just finished Mrs Funnybones today. Infact, I started it this morning and proudly share that I finished it in less than 24 hours too. Which isn't as great as it may sound, even though I had a full n busy day at work and only allowed myself to read in the metro to work, at lunch, in the metro home and after a much despised 30 minutes of exercise.

That is because at 235 pages, size 12 font, 1.5 line spacing and very broad margins, it really wasn't something even the slowest reader would have trouble finishing in a few hours. And that makes Mrs Funnybones a perfect read for a two hour flight for an average reader like me. The book was also just the solution for a prolonged 'reader's block' (yes, that is something I experience from time to time and is a perfectly valid condition) that I had been suffering from for nearly two months! And so for that I must thank Mrs Funnybones herself.

As I read this book, which is really a blip of an insight into Twinkle Khanna's charmed life, I can't help but have a few contradictory thoughts on how I feel about her writing. While every review I read is appreciating her self deprecating nature and her manner of presenting everything in a sarcastically light hearted way, there were several instances that made me feel that she was being quite condescending towards common folk. Maybe elitist would be the right word here. For instance she talks about an expo /trade fair that she participates in, where some other participants come and introduce themselves in bad English, and how she decides to wrap things up and get home ASAP before she needs to admit herself to a mental asylum. That just wasn't a section of writing that agreed with me. But then maybe that's the honesty everyone is talking about?

While I'm not trying to diss the book in anyway, I'm not sure what I really liked about it. Ofcourse, there was the surmounting curiosity about not only getting a peek into a star wife's life but also about how she puts it across in the witty n funny ways that I was reading about everywhere. Twinkle Khanna is definitely a smart, witty, intelligent and very well read person. The book shows that and anyone who reads her columns would see that too. But there isn't a lot of depth to remember the book by, and maybe because my world is so different from hers, as would be of most people who read it, I don't find that connect that makes me go, oh yes!

So it got me thinking, had this book been written by a not so famous person would it still be so well received? I think maybe not, because it is that very reason that makes the idea of the book so interesting. Some of the jokes were not so original, you can predict ends of sentences; and the repeated use of the word 'blimey' didn't lend to the funniness either, though I do understand how she meant to use it at the end of every little mishap that happened on her day.

In essence what I liked was maybe her approach to life, where an irritating situation had something funny to it too.
I came away with a picture of a privileged life, bustling with activity, the perks of being a star wife of a very successful actor, loads of travel and the added but natural responsibilities of raising children – which all together built this comfortable alluring world that does look ideal when there is humor and a daft joke thrown in now n then. And therefore, when Vogue calls it 'fashionable', I totally understand why.

Mrs.Funnybones is a quick, witty read that humanizes celebrity Life. Twinkle Khanna matches her tv show persona in her book with tongue in cheek remarks and colourful opinions.

When you are married for a certain period of time, you've heard the themes of each chapter be it a crib about forced fast in the name of your longevity or captured in a FB post in your least flattering dress or how the man of the house is sometimes as useful as a coin collection. This book is written in a way every wife/mo

Mrs.Funnybones is a quick, witty read that humanizes celebrity Life. Twinkle Khanna matches her tv show persona in her book with tongue in cheek remarks and colourful opinions.

When you are married for a certain period of time, you've heard the themes of each chapter be it a crib about forced fast in the name of your longevity or captured in a FB post in your least flattering dress or how the man of the house is sometimes as useful as a coin collection. This book is written in a way every wife/mom empathizes and every husband/dad reminisces.

The additional commentary at the beginning of each chapter in the form of scribbles on a notepad are funny reading. She refers to her hubby as 'Man of the house' and her inquisitive son as 'the prodigal son'. Not without some amount of sarcasm.

Mrs.Funnybones is the raw 7am woman of the house who is all efficiency and not necessarily camera ready. And we know she is the engine of every functioning family (car).

Reading_ Tamishly
This book talks about the day to day life of Twinkle Khanna; her kids, her famous mother and husband, the superstar Akshay Kumar.
👍Funny, crisp, straightforward
👍Different writing style, fast paced, breezy and written in a way as life goes on in a normal day
👍What made this book work is the nonjudgmental way the author describes her life, yes a bit weird when she used to be a famous actress; living as a normal married woman with other famous celebrities as her family
👌The funny, well-tho
This book talks about the day to day life of Twinkle Khanna; her kids, her famous mother and husband, the superstar Akshay Kumar.
👍Funny, crisp, straightforward
👍Different writing style, fast paced, breezy and written in a way as life goes on in a normal day
👍What made this book work is the nonjudgmental way the author describes her life, yes a bit weird when she used to be a famous actress; living as a normal married woman with other famous celebrities as her family
👌The funny, well-thought sketches add the extra zing to the pages
👍Everything has a funny part: how her name makes her feel, how her name came to be; family trips/vacations, the plane scene was too funny!
👍Her daily struggles as well as the days she let them be has been written as they are
In short, I really loved reading this book.
Sayantan Ghosh
Read with a little bit of curiosity and immense apprehension. But expectedly what started as a has-been movie star's rants soon became the everyday struggles of an affluent but average woman, mother and wife. She's only occasionally funny, but like that guy in school who's earnestly trying so hard to get noticed that you don't mind. Read with a little bit of curiosity and immense apprehension. But expectedly what started as a has-been movie star's rants soon became the everyday struggles of an affluent but average woman, mother and wife. She's only occasionally funny, but like that guy in school who's earnestly trying so hard to get noticed that you don't mind. ...more
Nov 25, 2017 rated it it was ok
So I have seen Twinkle Khanna on certain talk shows and at times it felt like she had no filter and I found her pretty funny. Maybe expecting the same sort of sarcastic dry humor through out the book was a mistake. Although there are glimpses of it in the book, I found the entire book not very enjoyable.

We get a glimpse into the life of a working women juggling her career, mil and husband. Though this sounds like most women's lives it is definitely not average (yearly vacations abroad and servan

So I have seen Twinkle Khanna on certain talk shows and at times it felt like she had no filter and I found her pretty funny. Maybe expecting the same sort of sarcastic dry humor through out the book was a mistake. Although there are glimpses of it in the book, I found the entire book not very enjoyable.

We get a glimpse into the life of a working women juggling her career, mil and husband. Though this sounds like most women's lives it is definitely not average (yearly vacations abroad and servants doing most of the work). Most of the book is about her experiences as a mother, with barely a glimpse of the film industry she belongs to. She doesn't really mention her career much either.

The A-Z chapters in the book dint really connect with me. There is no story progression as such and each chapter dint even feel like a short story.

The bits I really liked though were her advice to her son about knowing when it is time to give up, her take on women's empowerment and her thoughts on the whole unbuttoning jeans scandal.

Prabhjot Kaur
Oct 29, 2020 rated it did not like it
Talk about privilege.

Twinkle Khanna, a former Bollywood actress decided that she is going to write few things that she thinks happen all around India and to Indians and because she has money and can get anyone to publish or even self-publish gave us this. This was full of clichés and stereotypes and the writing was unimpressive.

She shares her observations and her own experiences that I found funny may be for the first two pages but then everything fell flat. It was supposed to make me laugh out

Talk about privilege.

Twinkle Khanna, a former Bollywood actress decided that she is going to write few things that she thinks happen all around India and to Indians and because she has money and can get anyone to publish or even self-publish gave us this. This was full of clichés and stereotypes and the writing was unimpressive.

She shares her observations and her own experiences that I found funny may be for the first two pages but then everything fell flat. It was supposed to make me laugh out loud and have me in tears but it was all forced and I chuckled may be once or twice and that's it. If it hadn't been Twinkle Khanna who wrote this, most of the people won't even know about this crappy book but like I said at the beginning, talk about privilege.

1 star

Mar 19, 2019 rated it liked it

Twinkle Khanna seems like an absolutely Word-wise, quite frank and impish personality which is reflected in her extremely satirical Mrs Funnybones!
I loved to read the rants and musings described in her daily life in the book.

Mrs. Funnybones isn't just about few incidences in the life of the author but if you come to think of it, more or less, it's a part and parcel of every women's life at least in India.
From parenting to feminism, from handling papparazzi's to Mom-in-Law, from tackling Man in

Twinkle Khanna seems like an absolutely Word-wise, quite frank and impish personality which is reflected in her extremely satirical Mrs Funnybones!
I loved to read the rants and musings described in her daily life in the book.

Mrs. Funnybones isn't just about few incidences in the life of the author but if you come to think of it, more or less, it's a part and parcel of every women's life at least in India.
From parenting to feminism, from handling papparazzi's to Mom-in-Law, from tackling Man in the house to Karva Chauth, Twinkle treads on various topics quite gracefully!

In these 26 chapters marked A-Z which is unique since she has managed to start every chapter with letter corresponding to the chapter number.
So, Chapter 2 is B: Beware of mommy dearest & chapter 25 is Y: Young underdogs !

Another unique thing is the way Mr. Funnybones aka Akshay has been referred as Man of the house & her son Aarav as the Prodigal Son throughout the book which makes is funny as well as bit repetitive a couple of times.

Along with her satirical writings, i also loved a hint of philosophical writing that Twinkle has added, like this one:

Love in any relationship, family or an intimate friendship, is only about putting the other
person's needs ahead of your own, and that, my friend, is just as simple and as
complex as you make it.

I am a misfit here, like most women that enter families which are so different
from theirs. But I keep these thoughts to myself and stay. And for the next few
hours, matching all the cousins, step for step, I make my own little place.
Will I inhabit this spot in perpetuum? I am not sure, but right now, with a
string of borrowed jasmine flowers wrapped around my bun to mask the smell of
yogurt, and my dupatta fluttering in the draught from the creaky air conditioner,
I dance to the drumbeats and the night slips away.

and a bunch of comic ones like these:

A Punjabi mother, her son and food form a triad as sacred as Brahma, Mahesh
and Vishnu, and cannot be interfered with as I learnt in the early years of my

The husband fetches the architectural plans of the house and comes next to my
chair. He bends over trying to unroll the plans on the table, and the motion
dislodges the intestinal gas which till this moment has been probably lying
dormant inside his posterior (which by the way, is four inches away from my
face) and lets out a noisy, flatulent missile. I almost choke on the noxious odour
but the couple just continue the conversation as if nothing out of the ordinary has
just transpired. It takes all my years of yoga training to maintain a straight face
and I hurriedly finish the meeting.

just when I am about to give up, the woman starts
sniffing around and, after peering at me—in what could be the longest 'your
baby vs mine' standoff—pulls her baby's pants down and there it is. She fumbles
inside her Gucci bag and, to my mounting horror, pulls out a bottle of floral
perfume, pulls the diaper down and sprays around the baby's bum, Pamper and
poop, and calmly puts the baby back on her shoulder.
All right, so now I am sitting in an aromatic cloud of shit and Chanel No 5.

Mrs Funnybones is a completely entertaining novel, perfectly apt for turning no-readers to readers considering the simple yet effective writings of Twinkle & the short one-sit-read which doesn't bore the readers!

Bookish Devil
Nov 25, 2015 rated it did not like it
Wish I could Rate it 'Zero Stars' !

( ---__--- )

Such a lame attempt in writing a book by Mrs.Twinkle Khanna.

There was nothing in the book that made me smile. Din't even make my lips twitch. There wasn't even a story in this book. It seemed as though she wrote this book while for time pass rather than taking it seriously.
Her writing was good. But the story,jokes etc were too bland and pointless.
I don't think i should spend...or rather waste my time writing a review for this book of crap.

I real

Wish I could Rate it 'Zero Stars' !

( ---__--- )

Such a lame attempt in writing a book by Mrs.Twinkle Khanna.

There was nothing in the book that made me smile. Din't even make my lips twitch. There wasn't even a story in this book. It seemed as though she wrote this book while for time pass rather than taking it seriously.
Her writing was good. But the story,jokes etc were too bland and pointless.
I don't think i should spend...or rather waste my time writing a review for this book of crap.

I really feel for those who spent their hard earned money in buying this book :(

My review might be harsh but that's how i feel !!
Unlike other reviewers, I don't sugarcoat my opinions and feelings about a book.

Oct 22, 2015 rated it liked it
It was a fun read. Though some of the gross jokes made me cringe there were parts which made me laugh. I loved the way the author looks at life, marriage and children. There were some inferences she had drawn from her experiences in life and they were warmly expressed. Such a short book and it was a surprise to learn that bollywood actresses think so deeply. A little more of polishing and pruning would have made it better.
Feb 01, 2020 rated it liked it
It's an ok ok kinda book where I find the humor is forced. It's actually a re-read for me, I took it up since I recently started on my blogging journey. To check if I can find some tips on the writing style and I found that the book is fit for blogging scenario rather than a book. You can take on this book if you are in need a break, just to clear your mind and let go of everything else; you can actually finish reading this book in one sitting. It's an ok ok kinda book where I find the humor is forced. It's actually a re-read for me, I took it up since I recently started on my blogging journey. To check if I can find some tips on the writing style and I found that the book is fit for blogging scenario rather than a book. You can take on this book if you are in need a break, just to clear your mind and let go of everything else; you can actually finish reading this book in one sitting. ...more
Book'd Hitu
Mar 04, 2016 rated it really liked it
I really don't understand why The author Twinkle Khanna went into movies at all. If she would have taken up writing since her debut in films, she would have been an established author by now having a few movies up her sleeve based on her books.

To sum up in short, this book is not a story but a sort of daily diary of a woman, wife and a mother. The way to look at the daily challenges of life is what we should learn from her. Ofcourse she is a celebrity and it shows up in her writing but I must s

I really don't understand why The author Twinkle Khanna went into movies at all. If she would have taken up writing since her debut in films, she would have been an established author by now having a few movies up her sleeve based on her books.

To sum up in short, this book is not a story but a sort of daily diary of a woman, wife and a mother. The way to look at the daily challenges of life is what we should learn from her. Ofcourse she is a celebrity and it shows up in her writing but I must say, she is an expert when it comes to hunting humor in every situation.

A quick read, thoroughly uputdownable & entertaining book. Be cautious if u read while travelling like me, your co passengers may get amused seeing you laughing your hearts out to a book :-)...

Preethi Venugopala
This is one book that is worth every single rupee I paid for it.

It was more like reading A-Z blog posts by a celebrity blogger during the April A-Z challenge. She has arranged the chapters according to the 26 letters of the Alphabet, each one giving a glimpse into her thoughts, her insecurities, and some not-so-funny moments. She talks about the life in general, bitches about her mom and mother-in-law, jokes about her oh-so-perfect man of the house, desi Jeeves and made me think through her wit.

This is one book that is worth every single rupee I paid for it.

It was more like reading A-Z blog posts by a celebrity blogger during the April A-Z challenge. She has arranged the chapters according to the 26 letters of the Alphabet, each one giving a glimpse into her thoughts, her insecurities, and some not-so-funny moments. She talks about the life in general, bitches about her mom and mother-in-law, jokes about her oh-so-perfect man of the house, desi Jeeves and made me think through her wit.

"Each day that you persist in a situation where you are miserable is a day wasted on the path that would lead you to happiness."

Highly recommended.

It's a good book but seems more of something that should be put up on a personal blog involving Twinkle's daily life instances which relate to most of the common Indian housewives, their experiences with their mother-in-laws, kiddos, husband and other routine things. She surely has witty remarks on different things and pretty cool about some stuff. Still, I felt that it gets boring after some time but yeah, go for it if you need to get over some book hangover! It's a good book but seems more of something that should be put up on a personal blog involving Twinkle's daily life instances which relate to most of the common Indian housewives, their experiences with their mother-in-laws, kiddos, husband and other routine things. She surely has witty remarks on different things and pretty cool about some stuff. Still, I felt that it gets boring after some time but yeah, go for it if you need to get over some book hangover! ...more
Deepti Jawale
After some much intense back to back fantasy reading I've done, this was a very light read. The book reads easy, is funny in places and is like taking a breather. If you're looking for something breezy and a short read, this is for you. After some much intense back to back fantasy reading I've done, this was a very light read. The book reads easy, is funny in places and is like taking a breather. If you're looking for something breezy and a short read, this is for you. ...more
Sara Naveed
I don't understand why readers find 'Mrs Funnybones' funny. It wasn't really funny. Though it can be termed as a good satirical laugh but I won't say that my stomach rolled into fits of laughter and my eyes burst with tears while reading this one.
Despite not being into non-fiction, I pre-ordered this book. (Thanks to liberty Books in Pakistan, otherwise I wouldn't get my hands on this one quite soon and I don't know for how long I had to wait.)
Obviously, the curiosity to read a book from a cele
I don't understand why readers find 'Mrs Funnybones' funny. It wasn't really funny. Though it can be termed as a good satirical laugh but I won't say that my stomach rolled into fits of laughter and my eyes burst with tears while reading this one.
Despite not being into non-fiction, I pre-ordered this book. (Thanks to liberty Books in Pakistan, otherwise I wouldn't get my hands on this one quite soon and I don't know for how long I had to wait.)
Obviously, the curiosity to read a book from a celebrity turned interior designer turned author - Twinkle Khanna (daughter of celebrities Rajesh Khanna and Dimple Kapadia and wife of Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar) was always there.
Getting published from Penguin is unchallenging and effortless for a celebrity. They'd soon acknowledge work coming from a celebrity and turn the author into a bestseller overnight. Whoah! Writers like us have to work hard to achieve this title.
Coming back to the book, like I earlier said, it was a good satirical laugh. Twinkle has written the book from her own perspective. She describes the way her life revolves around man of the house, prodigal son, little one and her mothers.
Though I felt bad when Akki kept calling by Man of the house. I mean she could use his name instead.
At first I thought the basic idea behind this novel somewhat resembled to Moni Mohsin's Butterfly but I was hence proved wrong when I read it. The writing style is highly different and of course I would proudly say our Moni writes even better. Her writing style really made me laugh like riot!
There were a few chapters which I genuinely liked from Mrs. Funnybones; especially the ones that ended up giving a strong message.
Twinkle hasn't been new to the writing world; she has been writing columns for quite a time which now has compiled in a form of a book.
Nonetheless, there's no denying to the fact that Twinkle herself is sassy, sarcastic and downright funny - it reflects highly from her writing. She has a great sense of humor which clearly shows in her book and blogs.
I'd like to finish with a note that she is definitely a better author than an actor. Read it for a refreshing change and relax your brain muscles. ;)
Aug 19, 2015 rated it really liked it
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. It didn't really seem as if I was reading. A light read. If you aren't following her tweets then you would definitely find it hard to believe that Twinkle Khanna has a great sense of humor. Let's say dry or like they say...British sense of humor. This book is not about a celeb (which she is) it's more about being a wife, a mother, a daughter, sister and a sister-in-law. I am sure women with kids would definitely relate to this and go all....OMG! It happens I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. It didn't really seem as if I was reading. A light read. If you aren't following her tweets then you would definitely find it hard to believe that Twinkle Khanna has a great sense of humor. Let's say dry or like they say...British sense of humor. This book is not about a celeb (which she is) it's more about being a wife, a mother, a daughter, sister and a sister-in-law. I am sure women with kids would definitely relate to this and go all....OMG! It happens to celebs as well. Surprisingly, yes as I realized post reading this. Also the fact or let's say a reminder that they are as human as we are. I can now declare her The Ellen Degeneres of India. I wish she comes up with a show soon (it was like reading desi Ellen Degeneres) ...more
So I finally got my hands on Mrs. Funnybones by Twinkle Khanna yesterday, and finished it within 4 hours. - Thanks to Liberty Books for providing us this book in Pakistan!

Twinkle Khanna is sassy, sarcastic, and downright funny. There's no doubt that she can write really well. I've been following her on Twitter for quite a while now, and have been a fan of her tweets and columns. The book is not at all like the ones that I usually read, it's more like an extended compilations of her columns. Mrs

So I finally got my hands on Mrs. Funnybones by Twinkle Khanna yesterday, and finished it within 4 hours. - Thanks to Liberty Books for providing us this book in Pakistan!

Twinkle Khanna is sassy, sarcastic, and downright funny. There's no doubt that she can write really well. I've been following her on Twitter for quite a while now, and have been a fan of her tweets and columns. The book is not at all like the ones that I usually read, it's more like an extended compilations of her columns. Mrs. Funnybones is a refreshing read with a hint of sarcasm and lots of humour!

Highly recommended!!

Safiya B
Aug 22, 2015 rated it did not like it
Disappointed. I don't think my opinion would have differed at all if I had dived into the book before reading the oh-so-good and oh-so-funny reviews about it.

The humour is totally forced and the writing is way too amateurish to like. Frankly, I have never read any of Twinkle's articles in TOI, but had high expectations of her judging by the reviews I have heard of her.

A total waste of time, only good thing being it wouldn't waste more than 3 hrs of your precious/non-precious time if you are an

Disappointed. I don't think my opinion would have differed at all if I had dived into the book before reading the oh-so-good and oh-so-funny reviews about it.

The humour is totally forced and the writing is way too amateurish to like. Frankly, I have never read any of Twinkle's articles in TOI, but had high expectations of her judging by the reviews I have heard of her.

A total waste of time, only good thing being it wouldn't waste more than 3 hrs of your precious/non-precious time if you are an avid/quick reader.

Aug 20, 2015 rated it really liked it
I won't call this a brilliant book but it was so refreshing to read someone who is not afraid of speaking her mind. It was full of Desi wit and her jabs on all her loved ones were actually funny. I won't call this a brilliant book but it was so refreshing to read someone who is not afraid of speaking her mind. It was full of Desi wit and her jabs on all her loved ones were actually funny. ...more
Aug 27, 2021 rated it really liked it
It was a quick, witty, light read. Twinkle Khanna sure can't act, but she can definitely conjure puns! I've admired her wittiness for quite some time now so was obvious to pick her first work to see if she's as good a writer as she's eloquent. Liked it immensely.

Pick it up if you've completed a heavy/long/draining book and just want to refresh a bit.

It was a quick, witty, light read. Twinkle Khanna sure can't act, but she can definitely conjure puns! I've admired her wittiness for quite some time now so was obvious to pick her first work to see if she's as good a writer as she's eloquent. Liked it immensely.

Pick it up if you've completed a heavy/long/draining book and just want to refresh a bit.

Hajarath Prasad Abburu
Very funny but very first-worldly, which is obvious because of who the author is.. Very easy to read. Very easy to relate for mothers too..

Recommended : For Sunday afternoons.. To whoever wants to read without putting much effort :)

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