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How to Make Funny Travel Video

I love travel videos, they are inspiring, beautiful and always put me in a good mood. Travel videos have the effect of igniting the wanderlust inside all of us, inspiring us, and encouraging us to start doing something new with our lives. That is why I decided to write this article.

I want to share with you, the 10 most inspiring travel videos that had the most impact on me when I was stuck in a cubicle, working in an office. These videos have inspired me throughout my travel life and I hope it will inspire you too to go out there and start exploring.

10 Practical Tips For Making A Great Travel Video  10 Practical Tips For Making A Great Travel Video

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What makes a travel video great?

For me personally, a travel video has to have the ability to bring out a range of emotions from viewers, may it be happiness, wanderlust or curiosity, through unique storytelling structures, immersive visual and heart-pounding sound. A great travel video with a perfect balance of these attributes will be able to keep us viewers engaged throughout the entire length of the video and leave us wanting more.

With these criteria in mind, these are my pick of the 10 most inspiring travel videos of all time. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey.

1. Watchtower of Turkey by Leonardo Dalessandri

This one is a no-brainer. The Watchtower of Turkey is one of the best travel video of all time. If there is an Oscar category for travel videos, this one will surely be nominated. Leonardo's careful attention to detail can be seen throughout the cinematic piece of editing mastery.

From the carefully calculated transition to the smart time-ramping technique there is no other travel videos that has done transition better than this one.

I read an article about him a while back and he mentioned that the video is consisted of over 280 individual clips, every single one of them has its time manipulated one way or another. Yes, every single one of them.

To put this on a scale, my videos usually take around 5 days to complete and on average consisted of only 60 clips per video. Imagine how many days it required for him to complete this video. Unimaginable!

If you are into filming, I would highly recommend you read his interview with I learned a lot from that article.

2. In Japan 2015 by Vincent Urban

"In Japan" is a travel video that takes you to the land of the Rising Sun with fast cut, heart-pounding music, a fitted representation for the forever fast-moving Japanese cities. The video touches several sides of Japan that makes the country so popular among travelers.

It captures the energy of the people, the rich and colorful culture, and the attractions perfectly while balancing them throughout the film with slow-motion, hyper-lapse, time-lapse, and drone shots, enough to keep us engaged to the end.

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3. The Road Story Vietnam by Georgy Tarasov

Georgy Tarasov is the master of travel storytelling. "The Road Story Vietnam" is a travel video with a well thought-out story about a guy (his brother) traveling through Vietnam through one of the most beautiful roads in the world.

The guy progresses from running to a bike and then to a motorbike, which is what Vietnam is known for and obviously the best way to explore the country. He then proceeds to interact with the locals in various ways that keep you engaged and curious about the country.

Coming up with such a well-thought-out story is no easy task when traveling since traveling is spontaneous and random. Kudos to him and his brother for being able to plan such a great story while traveling in such a random country as Vietnam, and creating one of the greatest travel films of all time.

4. 3 Words For Paris by Cokau Lab

"Explain a city in 3 words" is such a cool concept for a travel video, I wish I had thought of it first. "3 Words For Paris" goes around the city of Paris, asking people, both the locals and tourists to explain Paris in 3 words, while the video fast-cut to the footage of the city that reflected those words.

The music by French 79 is well chosen and works perfectly well with the video, so much so that it almost felt like they made the music just for this video. If you want an example of a creative travel video, this is it.

5. The Curves of Iran by Stanislas Giroux

The Curves of Iran is a great travel video for many reasons. For one, the video shows a misunderstood country in a much needed inspiring light that really captures how nice the Iranians are, and how rich and beautiful the Persian culture is.

The filmmaker was able to also show a glimpse of the hidden lives of the people in Iran with a video of people smiling, enjoying their times in parties, a nod to the world that Iranians are the same as everyone else regardless of politic differences. The visual, the editing and my god, that calming music are also the reasons why this is one of the best travel videos out there.

6. Loving Lanka by Sebastian Linda

"Loving Lanka" is a travel video that experimented with the concept of time which is already difficult in itself but Sebastian was able to execute it so well that the video deserves to be on the list.

The video starts off at a normal pace with a narration about time, and then the music peaked, time stood still and everything unfolds in reverse. The viewers are bombarded with fast edit reverse footages of Sri Lanka that are woven into one that somehow feels right.

Clearly, he put a lot of thought into the concept, stuck to it, and consistently connect the dot one by one until the end, and it shows. The video is an excellent example of a great use of time manipulation in travel videos that doesn't feel like it's overdone and forced.

He also published the Making of video for Loving Lanka and if you are interested in the process, I would recommend you watch it and learn from his thought process.

7. The Galapagos - Calling Home by Andrew Norton

This is one of the most creative and cutest travel videos of all time and the concept is so simple and elegantly executed that you would think someone would have come up with it before this but no. The travel video uses a simple Skype call between Andrew and his wife to dictate and progress the story of Andrew's adventure on the Galapagos Islands.

The exchange between the two was casual and funny throughout the film and that would have been enough to keep us engaged to the end but Andrew took it to another level by adding cute illustrations in between the footages of the wildlife, the locals and the scenery he encountered. It was a breath of fresh air to see this type of travel videos that will leave you a big smile on your face.

8. Hong Kong Strong by Brandon Li

Brandon Li is one of my favorite filmmaker out of all. He takes travel videos to a professional level like no one does. In his famous Hong Kong Strong video, he was able to capture the lives of the people in Hong Kong in the most intimate way possible and then explored the city and its people in a deeper way that most other Hong Kong travel videos can't compete.

He takes it inside people's home, to look at the lives of the people from different walks of life. Followed them and created 3 different stories, and perfectly woven them together into one Hong Kong video. He created his own genre of travel filmmaking and that is the type of filmmaker I aspire to be.

His more recent video, Saigon Rising is also a great example of the genre he mastered but I chose Hong Kong Strong to be on the list as it was his most famous work. He also talks about independent filmmaking onYoutube and I would encourage you to follow him if you want to learn from the master.

9. Where the Hell is Matt? 2008 by Matt Harding

This is a classic one, and I could say, the first video on Youtube that inspired me to become a traveler and shaped who I am today. The video follows Matt as he danced around the world while the locals joined in and danced with him.

It is a simple concept and yet effective at putting a smile on your face everytime you watch it. There is something about watching strangers having fun together that makes you smile and restore faith in humanity.

The video shows that we are no different from one another, no matter where we are from, the religion we believe in or the language we speak. When it comes to dancing, we all do it and enjoy watching other people doing it.

It is a universal language that transcends any barriers and can invoke happiness from people of all ages. That is what travel videos are all about.

10. Make it Count by Casey Neistat

Casey Neistat needs no introduction from me. He is a popular Youtube vlogger now with over 9 million subscribers but before his fame, he used to put up a few inspiration travel videos that inspired me to this day.

The "Make it Count" video is a collaboration between him and Nike where he spent all the marketing money he got from Nike on a 10 days trip around the world with his friend and made an inspiring video about it.

Traveling 10 days around the world is a feat in itself but his fast-cut editing, the upbeat music and the small inspiring quotes scattered throughout the video are what got me hooked.

It was at that moment that I realize that I wanted to go to Egypt and South Africa and Zambia which I ended up doing a few years after. That is the kind of positive effect a travel video should have. A travel video should inspire people to do something awesome and that is what this video does to me.

11. The Sound of Berlin by Bonamaze

What do you get when you combine the sound and visual of one of the most vibrant cities in the world like Berlin? You get this upbeat video showcasing the diverse culture of Berlin and a colorful visual pleasing both to the eyes as well as the ears.

The Sound of Berlin is a travel video that combines the real original sound of the city, from the locals interacting at markets to glasses of beers clinking, into a catchy tune while taking you through the city via a collection of authentic footage showcasing the usual/unusual lives of the people in Berlin.

It is a beautiful tribute to one of the most unique city in the world that showcases all the best and wild experiences one can have when in Berlin, all within less than a minute video. The sound effect, the colorful visual, and the original music all contribute to why this video deserves all the recognition it could get.

12. PARIS by Guy Trefler

From one great European city to another, this video called PARIS with a simple caption "Rediscover Paris with a fresh eye." really took me by surprise. I thought it would be another overly romantic travel video of Paris you usually see online but this video takes it to the next level.

Combining the simple visual of monuments and architectures of the city with the hilariously illustrated animation that showcases the unique culture of Paris in a much-needed lighthearted way that will leave you smiling for the entire 2 minutes mark of the video. I guarantee you, after you watch this video, you will never look at Paris the same way again. 😉

13. IN ICELAND + COPENHAGEN - One Trip. Two Destinations by Vincent Urban

Another travel video from one of my favorite filmmakers out there, Vincent Urban who brought us the amazing In Japan video.

Vincent does have an eye and ear for combining great visual and sound effects to create immersion in his travel videos. The way he transitioned between footages and how it synchronized up with the cinematic music and sound effect is his signature I can recognize anywhere. I knew right away when I first watched "IN ICELAND + COPENHAGEN" that this is his work.

For almost 3 minutes, he takes us through the contrast between Iceland and Copenhagen by switching between the cold and barren landscapes of Iceland and the cozy cityscape of Copenhagen.

The video is edited in a way that somehow makes us feel like they are the same place, which is what he probably aimed for as the video is a collaboration between him, IcelandAir, and VisitDenmark. Given the purpose of the video, he definitely succeeded as it instantly makes me feel like visiting Iceland and Denmark together after watching it.

14. Flashes of the Altai by Joey Schusler

Let's take this list in another direction and instead of travel videos with little to no narrative, the Flashes of the Altai follows 3 friends who decided to pack 3 bikes turned boats, went to Western Mongolia, and explore the Altai Mountain through a combination of narration and inspiring cinematic music.

With this travel video, we get to see what it is actually like to go out into the world with friends, be in their elements, and tackle mother nature head-on. You will get to see their overwhelming curiosity, discomforts, and calmness that often come with an expedition like this.

The video will take you through the beautiful steppes and rushing rivers of Western Mongolia in about 5 minutes as Joey Schusler and his friends experienced the untamed land with their bikes. Kudos to these men to tackle such a wile land in the best way possible and gave us a chance to see what the Altai Mountain in Western Mongolia is like.

15. The Road Story India by Georgy Tarasov

The Road Story India travel video by Georgy Tarasov, one of my favorite Russian filmmakers who brought us The Road Story Vietnam.

This time, in collaboration with Airbnb, Georgy and his brother take us through India via several modes of transportation including on top of a truck while sharing the homely experiences with the locals throughout the country from the desert to the Himalayas showcasing the diversity of India, all in about 6 minutes.

If you are not familiar with his work, Georgy has a knack for creating relatable road trip videos with a simple yet intriguing underlying story that often spark the adventure and curiosity within his audience, including me.

His ability to bring out the authenticity of traveling and delivering it to us in an entertaining way is what makes his work so relatable in my opinion. It makes us feel that we can all experience the world as it is and enjoy whatever comes our way as often shown in his travel videos. I can't wait to see what he has in store for us next!

16. Alban Endlos - A Journey Through India by David Aufdembrinke

Let's go to India again but this time, we are taking a trippier route to the country almost as if we are watching old Bollywood movies on VHS. Alban Endlos is a trippy video by David Aufdembrinke that takes us through the simple life and landscape of India through a trippy VHS-style visual and a catchy tune that is unlike any travel video you have ever watched before.

The video catches your attention with its unique visual, you will stay to end for its catch music. Combine India with these and you get this psychedelic experience through one of the most unique countries in the world, India that if you do not feel trippy from watching this video, I do not know what will!

17. The Passion of Andalucía by Brandon Li

Another of my favorite travel filmmaker that brought us Hong Kong Strong travel video, Brandon Li is the master of travel storytelling and unique gimbal work that give us a professionally produced level of travel videos, unlike anything that came before.

With his newest video, he took it even further and gave us a 9-minutes travel video of Andalucia, a region in Southern Spain rich in cultures. From giving us a closer look at the intense art of Flamenco Dance to being a witness in the famous Andalucia Semana Santa event, it almost felt like we are experiencing all these wonderful events together with him in Southern Spain.

His travel videos are on the best in the industry and his work had since been featured by both locals and international media all around the world. His work always deserves a spot on my list. 😉

18. There and Back: Colombia by Whitelist

These guys literally built their own selfie rig mounted with a professional-grade camera that attaches to the back of a guy as he travels through Colombia giving us a unique travel perspective as if we are following the guy in the video throughout the country. The result is amazing as we can all see from the video.

I have always been quite fond of this type of photography/videography (back shots of a person experiencing the world) as it feels more about the world than the person in the camera but with this rig they have built, it almost feels like we are experiencing the world in a third-world perspective, just like in video games. It feels like playing GTA but without all the guns and violence when I watched this travel video. 🤣

I have never seen anyone attempting to do this type of video ever since so "There and Back: Colombia" travel video is hands down, still one of my favorite travel videos of all time.

19. Contrasts of Peru by Sebastian Klinger

"Perú no solo es Machu Picchu. Es mucho mas." or "Peru is not only Machu Picchu. It's much more." as this video narrates while showing us the sides of Peru you don't usually associate it with, from the beautiful coastline to the colorful culture which is truly one of the most charming in the world.

Peru is my favorite country in South America and after watching this video, it brought back so many great memories that I had throughout my one month trip there. "Contrasts of Peru" showcases the unique lifestyle of the locals and all the beautiful faces of the people that makes Peru such an amazing place to visit.

As the video mentioned, Peru is so much more than just Machu Picchu and the video really did a great job of showing the other side that is often neglected in Peru travel videos. You may visit Peru because of Machu Picchu, but you will stay in Peru because of its wonderful people.

20. Vietnam by The Route Films

Last but not least, we have a travel video that is a little slower from the rest on the list but it will give you a backseat-vibe of traveling as the filmmaker travels through Vietnam, experiencing all the amazing food, and landscape the country has to offer.

Vietnam can be both chaotic and tranquil at the same time and this video shows the contrast quite vividly without being too overwhelming like most travel videos about Vietnam. If you are looking to visit Vietnam in the future but are a bit scared of what to expect, this video should nudge you in the right direction.

What do you think of the list? Do you have any more recommendation of your own you want to share? If so, please let me know in the comments below. I hope this list will inspire you to go out there and explore the world. It did for me and I'm sure it will do the same to you too.

P.S. If you are curious to see what my travel videos are like compared to these masterpieces, drop by the Watch page, go through the list and let me know what you think about them in the comments below.

Further Reading for Filmmaking

Looking for more articles about travel videos and filmmaking? Here is a collection of articles about filmmaking that you might find useful:

  • If you are looking for travel vloggers to follow on Youtube that aren't cringeworthy, check out 10 Best Travel Vloggers to Follow On Youtube.
  • The best way to improve your photography skills is to learn from the best. Here are the 10 Best Photography Youtube Channels to Follow.
  • Let's lose ourselves in a short adventure documentary with this 10 Most Inspiring Short Adventure Documentaries to Watch.
  • Looking for drone travel videos for inspiration? Check out my list of 8 best drone travel videos of all time.
  • Looking for the best timelapse and hyper lapse travel videos? 10 Best Timelapse/Hyperlapse Travel Videos to Watch.
  • To be a great traveler, you need to learn about the world and see its uniqueness in every culture. To do that, you will have to first expand your worldview. Here are 8 Must-Watch Documentaries For Travelers To Understand The World More.
  • Want to learn more about travel filmmaking? Here is A Step-By-Step Guide On How To Make A Travel Video.
  • Want to improve your travel filmmaking game? Here are 10 Practical Tips For Making A Great Travel Video.
  • Want to Know Which Camera I Used for Filmmaking? Here is Why The Sony A6500 Is The Best Travel Camera to Get
  • Looking for a fool-proof way to store your travel photos and videos? Here is How I Store My Photos And Videos.
  • Looking to buy new filmmaking equipment for your next film? Here is The Ultimate Advanced Travel Filmmaking Gear Guide.
  • Not so fond of carrying heavy camera equipment while traveling? Here is The Extremely Light-Weight Travel Photography Gear Guide.
  • Want to Watch My Travel Videos? Check out our Travel Videos page.
  • For all articles about Filmmaking, visit Filmmaking Article page.
